Relaxation techniques
Breathing exercises
Progressive muscle
Visualization and visual
Guided imagery
Distracting activities
Identifying negative thoughts
and feelings
Identifying strengths
Learning a new vocabulary
Learning how to face fear and
gain courage (skill and insight)
Learning how to be empathic
(skill and insight)
The difference between thoughts and feelings
The difference between depressive and anxious thoughts
The concept of mindfulness - neuroplasticity and epigentics
Slowing down (using coping skills), in order to be mindful of
negative ruminating thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
Identify and articulate the difference between negative thoughts
and feelings
Document negative thoughts and feelings
Restructure negative thoughts and feelings
Practicing the reframing of negative thoughts
Below are some of the coping skills you will learn that are from mindfulness-based cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy. Working together, you will learn to use the skills that are needed to solve your problem(s) and when to use them. The skills below are utilized for substance abuse, obsessions, and compulsions (cutting, work, gambling, sex, food, computer, shopping). In addition, these skills help solve problems that lead to depression, anxiety, and mild to severe shifts in mood.
A reminder: in order for coping skills to work they need to be integrated with insight, self-compassion, exercise, healthy eating and sleep habits.
Distress Tolerance
(for immediate self soothing relief)
Conflict Resolution (utilizing many of the skills above)
Cognitive Restructuring